I cannot believe that we are already at 30 weeks in this 52 week project. Oliver is growing and changing all the time it seems. Things that Oliver loves currently are: books; he always has a bundle of them in his bed, going for walks (usually trying to procure a doughnut), recently telling me is favourite thing to do is "playing super hard". He is such a sweet boy with a bit of a dictatorial streak and he like to be the leader with games and struggles at times with the construct of loosing so has decided that most things end in a tie. Silly bug.

reading books with Daddy.

silly antics with Mommy.

Oliver has been having a ball at camp and they had a costume day, he was both a dinosaur
and superhero.

While Deb and Kurt were visiting last week we went to a
Lowell Spinners game. we always have such fun going to the A league games because it really is geared towards families and fun.

we shared a pretzel the size of Oliver's head!

perfect bluebird sky for the game

walking home from a lovely brunch at a friend's house and although it was no longer rainy Oliver insisted on carrying an umbrella.

more fun with lobsters! we had fresh lobster rolls for dinner. Oliver just enjoys playing with them on the kitchen floor.


inaugural run of the chiminea. whew it certainly does throw off heat.

roasted and ready to squash.

yummy. charred and delightful.

we have had some beautiful clouds in the evening.

can you spot the bumblebee?

love my boy.

i've been crushing hard on the ruby red grapefruit, they have been so yummy.