Date night with Mom and Dad. We went to the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) for a member night and he was the only child and even though he was super well behaved and we all had a blast, it was as if we brought a wild jaguar to the event by the looks people gave us. drives me crazy sometimes. anyways, sorry for the lack of blogging. it has been so bloody hot and I have not been able to find my groove other than pictures of out adventures.
so keep reading and stay cool on this 4th of July holiday weekend!
warm night down by the harbor. we have been waiting for summer and she has arrived!
watching the boats and having a chat.
epic game of tag before heading into the event.
run boys! run!
listening to the tunes, eating and and enjoying the view.
mingling folks who gave us the strange looks for bringing our kid. their loss, he was having a blast.
family shot. few and far between.
one of my besties from college, Ellen and her husband Mark came to visit!
we found a castle on our way home from a walk, Oliver was thrilled! Mark was sweet to carry it home!
happy kiddo.
new to you toys are the best!
Ellen wins for stuffing herself into Oliver's tiny house...
as well as climbing at the park!
I got live lobsters for us to make lobster rolls with and we all had a bit of fun with them. Luna was not amused. Oliver thought it was hilarious.
the lobsters were having a bit of a chat. then it was off to the pot and then into our bellies!
gorgeous sunflowers from the market, they lasted forever.
sweet, petite tomatoes are one of my favourite things about summertime.