Back to School. 2015

First day of Junior Kindergarten. 2015 

And he's off! We had a very excited bug ready to go to school this year. So ready in fact that he was bound and determined to, in the weeks leading up to school turn into a 14 year old complete with eye rolls and sass. This type of attitude made it so that his parents were counting down the days too! Honestly, Oliver has been giving us a run for it lately but I am hopeful with the start of school and routine and friends that his sweet demeanor will make a return. The only person that Oliver is not frustrated with is his brother, Huck...see photo below. Oliver loves him. A. LOT. which is amazing but the line between smother and love is one that we talk about often. Also reminding him that although Huck is small and seemingly bendy that actually bending his feet or hands in the wrong direction is not nice and will make his cry every time.  So off he goes...ready to tackle new things at school, the most exciting of which Oliver will inform you is that he gets to go to gym class this year! Big deal, guys, seriously. I am very proud of my big boy and I cannot wait to see all that he learns this year. 

my TWO babies. too cute.

ready to rock this. 

my après school pickup buddy. 

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