Ok folks, we are at the halfway mark for the Whole30 and I have to say I've gotten into a groove. I have had to do a bit more meal planning but other than that is has not been too much of a change once we got over the hump of no dairy, in fact I may stick with the almond milk for my smoothies as I quite like the consistency and neutral flavor. I was chatting with my friend, Caroline this morning and I said that really the only thing I miss at this point is a truly crunchy item. Not carrot crunchy. Not lettuce crisp. But a truly crunchy item like the Sun Chips that I packed in Oliver's lunch yesterday! So we may be looking forward to having real tacos in a couple weeks but we definitely have picked up some good eating habits and easy ways to cut some of the sugar out of our diets on a regular basis.

meatloaf+homemade "ketchup"+aspargras

onion, swiss chard and sausage fritatta+avocado

eggs+avocado+nitrate-free bacon