This picture just about sums up how I feel, in need of a good nap (although Oliver is faux-napping here). This post is going to be a medley of pictures from before and during our jaunt down to DC. So read on and catch up!

We went to the
Vintage Bazaar in Salisbury, MA in mid-september. It was a fun afternoon at Pettengill Farm filled with vendors and activities for kids. We wandered around, found some great vintage soda bottle boxes and ate lunch. Oliver clearly enjoyed the hay bale slide!

trying to get the darn pinwheel to turn!

knock, knock. Fall is approaching.

Then Oliver and I packed our bags and took a quick flight down to DC to see two of my college friends. Clearly Oliver was excited to fly. He got to go up into the cockpit and he told the pilot that he too wants to fly when he gets just a little bigger. We stayed with
Liz and John and their sweet daughter, Cecile in their new and amazing renovated house. And we also went into Capitol Hill for a morning to see Ellen and Mark's new apartment!
Now I would be lying if I said all went well because well, Oliver was a challenge and he's really been pushing the attitude these days but we made the best of it and I certainly enjoyed catching up with my friends.

striped buddies waiting for yummy pizza at
2Amy's. The pizzas were delicious, traditional Neopolitan style cooked in a screaming hot wood burning stove to produce that perfect crunchy yet toothsome crust. yum.

mini 1 and mini 2 walking back to the car.

catching up on the daily events.

a stroll through verdant Capitol Hill after breakfast with Ellen. We walked through the Eastern Market and meandered through a street fair. And it was 82 degrees!
he may be cheeky and a struggle at times (ahem, I do not want to think about how many time he ended up in the penalty box on this trip) but I am happy that we can just set off for a few days and catch up with friends.