grocery helper. he may "drive" the basket with reckless abandonment at times but overall he is a pretty darn good grocery store companion. we have had a busy week with ups and downs. matt has been really busy and doing a lot of exciting projects at work but between the freezing temps and a pesky head cold that I picked up I have been pretty darn tired and my patience has not been my strong suit. needless to say I am happy today is Friday and that matt will be around this weekend. We are going to go the see an amazing show at
MassArt called Color Fields. I have been wanting to go and I thought it was open for another month...nope closes tomorrow! We have also started our kitchen renovation (I know, poor me) but construction is disruptive no matter how amazing the end result will be. So that has sent me for a bit of a loop as well. Oh and lest we forget I'm pregnant! 30 weeks and hormones are not my friend. I forgot how cranky I can get and I feel badly because Oliver and Matt have been on the receiving end of my grouchy frustrations all too much. So here is to a happy friday and hopefully some warmer temperatures which will melt the skating rink that is our driveway and surrounding neighborhood sidewalks!
click through for more pictures.

brrrr. grey skies and a solidly frozen Charles River. Spring? are you coming for us?

two boys. two buddies. ready to rock their swim class!

Oliver had his second dentist appointment and he did amazing! he flirted (of course) and was very good with the cleaning even when they used the metal plaque pick on his teeth and even I do not enjoy that part! They only snag in the appointment was when they informed me that since his bite is straight and his teeth are pretty close that we needed to start flossing a couple of times a week?! flossing a four year old? ok, sounds super easy.

I'm sort of obsessed with Oliver's spoon guy. His school held a fundraiser and all of the kids decorated spoons. I mean honestly, his has a bow tie!

another cold, cold day we went to the library to read books and stay warm. the kid's wing in the cambridge public library is such a bright and airy spot even when it is teeming with a ton of kids (there was a special even which we did not know about).

Oliver accompanied me to go pick up my car after having my keys fixed, the darn car would not turn on. a really fun thing to have happen when you are trying to get your kiddo to school! but anyways while at the VW dealer there was and old VW beetle and Oliver thought is looked just like
Uncle Topolino from Cars 2 (even if he really is a Fiat 500). Either way it made Oliver's day!

fortune from take away the other night. Seems fitting for a new baby coming in May, right.

This whole week at school has been Spirit Week. Oliver has dressed up like a character (Batman), worn a plaid shirt for cowboy day and today is wearing pajamas to school! but my favourite was "fancy dress" day. Oliver worn his suspenders, a bow tie and his "wedding" hat. pretty darn cute if you ask me!

grainy but sweet. i love going in to get him up from a nap when he actually sleep because he is such a snuggle bug. I get to climb into bed with him and we snuggle, chat and tell stories. love.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!