Are we seeing a theme with Huck photos? But who can resist an adorable picture of a sleeping baby? Not I. Yesterday, when Oliver came home from school the first thing he wanted to was hold Huck. Heart melt. We are doing our best to try to get into the swing of things around here and let me tell you our friends are fantastic. People have brought us yummy dinners and offered to take and pickup Oliver from school. Remember that post I wrote about "help", well let me tell you I am happy to have the assistance. The projected weather also looks to be nice and springy so I am looking forward to some longer walks in the coming weeks.

snuggling. we are working on how much is too much and when he has crossed into the smother with love category.

My friend,
Deanna (who has a
blog of her own) took these shots of all of the big kids at a BBQ we had on Sunday. Oliver was so thrilled to see all of his buddies and it looks like everyone had a smashing good time.


boys club.

girls club.
but in reality they all play so nicely together. it is such fun to see all of the kids in the neighborhood grow and change together. lots of wonderful memories being made.

the new morning routine. baby love and coffee.