A walk in the woods on a beautiful fall day. The crunch of leaves underfoot and the warm sunshine on your back. This is why I love autumn in New England. A couple of weeks ago there was no school mid week and it was an epic, bluebird sky kind of day that was beckoning you to go outside. So outside we went. We explored the Ward Reservation in Andover, MA just a quick drive north of the city. Armed with snacks and our good friends; Rebecca and Benjamin we trotted off into the woods. One of the reasons why I picked this destination was because it seemed to be manageable for little legs and at the top of Holt Hill there is a view of the Boston skyline as well as a compass rose of sorts made our of granite stones, aptly named the "Solstice Stones".
We had a lovely day filled with telling stories (a lot of Star Wars from the boys), spotting unique trees and colorful leaves, and navigating the trail as it rambled through the woods. The big boys enjoyed each others company greatly and Huck was a trooper well past his naptime. And of course Rebecca and I had a delightful time chatting and taking full advantage of both being shutterbugs and taking a whole mess of pictures.
unique twisting trees.
there was an amazing light green hue to the bark.
smooth and worn, this fallen tree was beautiful.
The "Solstice Stones" mark the summit of Holt Hill. The arrangement of the stones indicates the cardinal points on the compass, the points of the summer and winter solstices, and the points of the spring and autumnal equinoxes.
touching and exploring and asking questions.
a perfect, tiny leaf (they are my favourite, thanks Rebecca).