Here's the deal about traveling with your kids. It's often a lot of fun. It's often exhausting. And the thing for me that I have noticed in particular on this trip is that being the only girl is tough. I get tired of the constant motion my boys carry with them until the day is done. Why can't we all just sit for a few. Read a book. Play a game. Or god forbid eat a snack in silence. By nature I'm an introvert and I need to be recharged by quiet, solo moments and to be honest those have been fleeting on this trip, particularly this week with Matthew out of town in Canberra.
We had a lovely day yesterday; riding the ferry and going to the contemporary art museum all before getting ice cream and the ferry ride home.
But today, today has been the opposite. We are around the house waiting on Huck's nap to finish and Oliver cannot contain himself. After an early morning start I was looking for a few quiet moments but was interrupted multiple times with requests, demands, and iPad needs. It all just got to be too much for me.
Why can't you sit? Why can't you play on your own? No, you don't need a snack. No, you cannot jump on the couch. I know it may seem trivial and maybe it is, but I needed those 20 minutes of quiet to face the rest of my day. I did not even get 8 mins and my brain and body are no where to being aligned. I feel cranky. And I fear a third cup of coffee will not fix it.
Here's hoping for an afternoon of fun, mutual respect and enjoying the Aussie sunshine (slathered in sunscreen, of course).