Over the weekend we went blueberry picking. So now you have a bundle of berries and what do you do with them? Make blueberry buckle! What is blueberry buckle you say? It is like a crumble or a grunt or a cobbler or a brown betty...whatever you want to call it, it is delicious. I love this recipe for many reasons. Not only is it easy and yummy but it is also steeped in memories for me. I always makes me think of my "happy place" aka the Little Cottage on Lake Michigan and all of the wonderful people who are still on those shores and those who are no longer there. This recipe originally came from a dear family friend, Mrs. Brewer who lived next door and was always there with a smile and a quippy comment.
So keep reading for the delightful and easy recipe that always gets cheers in my house and is at its best served warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
2-3 pints of blueberries
lemon zest
1 stick butter
1cup flour
3/4-1 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup oats
sprinkle of cinnamon + nutmeg
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Cut together; butter, flour, sugar + oats. Add cinnamon and nutmeg. Grease pan with butter, toss berries and zest. Top with crumble. Sprinkle top with a dash of cinnamon. Bake 30-40 mins until everything bubbles. Cool and serve with a scoop of ice cream. yum!

dry ingredients pre-mixed

buttery, crumbly goodness. (i added almonds just because).
ready to go in the oven. we dove in before I could get an "after" picture but trust me it was awesome.